Penetration Testing Services Now Available!

I’m very excited to announce that Paladin Security is now offering penetration testing as part of our services!  For the last 5 years I have been working full time as a penetration tester and consultant at Secure Ideas.  Being a part of this incredibly talented team was exciting and a bit humbling at times.  However, it was time for a … Read More

Penetration Testing Tools and Equipment

Getting started with penetration testing Penetration testing is often looked on as an elite set of skills that only a few can learn.  It’s also thought that expensive equipment and tools are needed to perform a penetration test.  You may think that you can’t get started in it because you don’t have the money to buy the required gear.  It’s not … Read More

New Open Source Project Created – Reconnoiter

Earlier this month I decided to take the scripts for username generation and roll them into an open source project.  There were a couple of reasons for doing so.  First, I needed source control hosting and SourceForge provides that for free as long as you release the project to the public.  Second, I want to expand the scope of it … Read More

Scripts to Generate Usernames

I’ve written a couple of posts about a script I wrote to generate usernames.  Since then I’ve written another script that uses Yahoo’s XML API and both of them have been included in SamuraiWTF.  It’s been pretty cool to see people try out something that I wrote and find it useful to them.  The scripts are still pretty rough and … Read More


Mike Patterson on the Pauldotcom mailing list commented that he thought could use handling for middle names.  The template that he suggested was of first initial, middle initial and last name.  I think he’s right.  Originally I had the script avoid middle names or initials, but I went back and added the format Mike requested. So here it is.  … Read More